New Year’s in November


You guys, this is not a drill! Its November of 2016!!! Who’s responsible for this? How did we get here? Did someone forget to take their finger off the fast forward button?? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!!

*Deep Breaths* Well, we’re here now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So… that means that there’s only 33 days left until we’re supposed to start making outrageous promises to ourselves and only 43 days until we get amnesia and break those promises only to make them again 365 days later. I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of hoping to interrupt that vicious cycle this time. I’m ready for a year that I can look back on and say “Wow, I really made that year my bitch!” instead of having a mini panic attack because I blinked and it was freaking November!!

I initially started this blog almost four years ago to help me in the process of changing and growing into the person I wanted to be. Although I abandoned my poor blog (sorry!), I do feel like I achieved that original goal (yay me!) and now I have new goals; thus I humbly return to the birthplace of my last metamorphosis. I thought about waiting until after the New Year to make my triumphant return and then I figured, why wait? There’s been so many plot twists in 2016, I don’t think anyone will notice if we bump up the closing scene about a month or so. Here comes the countdown!!


Happy New Year!!

Now that we got that out of the way I can get started on my resolutions! My mission for 2017 is to be the best version of myself so that I can authentically share my gifts with the world. I want to have the confidence to always remember my inner power and allow abundance to flow through my life while I gracefully accept life as it unfolds. I’m excited to share my journey here because I need some accountability and I always love crossing paths with souls on similar journeys. So what’s your resolution or mission for 2017? Are you willing to get started right NOW? Do you need an accountability buddy? Drop a comment below or share this link with someone who is just as excited to get started on their New Year’s Resolution.

“Today is yours to shape. Create a masterpiece!” ~ Steve Maraboli

Love & Light,

The Awakened Momma

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