Tag Archives: acceptance

I Bend So I Don’t Break

I Bend So I Don’t Break
I’m happy, I have a life filled with love, I have amazing opportunities and access to resources to make my dreams happen. Life is good…AND






Seriously, don’t let the pretty pictures and inspirational quotes on my Instagram mislead you. I stumble and even fall on the regular.

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New Year’s in November


You guys, this is not a drill! Its November of 2016!!! Who’s responsible for this? How did we get here? Did someone forget to take their finger off the fast forward button?? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!!

*Deep Breaths* Well, we’re here now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So… that means that there’s only 33 days left until we’re supposed to start making outrageous promises to ourselves and Read the rest of this entry

Way To Go Wednesday!

Way To Go Wednesday!

  I ‘ve reread my last post a few times since posting it and I instantly felt all of the negativity and frustration climbing out of my screen and back into my being. I’m glad I wrote the post, it helped me release, but I want to do a little soul uplifting today so I dub today “Way to go Wednesday”! 

Way to go Wednesday is just a quick list of the things I’m doing right. I’ve already admitted that I tend to be my harshest critic so in the spirit of change and enlightenment….

This is Why I’m Hot:
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Dear Self,

Dear Self,

They should warn you that when you start a blog the thoughts in your head become like the last few Cheerios in a bowl full of milk. You’ll chase those suckers around with your spoon, but they’ll continuously evade you with their super ninja skills. So as I’m scrambling together my Cheerios..er, thoughts I feel a block. I’m looking for my next post in the future (the changes I want to make) and the past (the issues and intimacies of my messed up head) but true to the nature of this blog, the present moment is where the goodies are. In the NOW, I feel there is one important thing I need to do before I proceed. Please allow me to address this issue in a letter to myself.

Dear Self,
I forgive you. Your harsh words and judgements have hurt me, but I forgive you Self. I understand a little bit better now that the way you talk to me is the way you’ve allowed others to talk to you in the past. It’s a cycle, and although I forgive you, I no longer want to participate in or perpetuate this cycle. Self, you are powerful and magnificent and together we can be the stars of our own movie. I can sense your fear but don’t let it consume you. Face it Self, you’re pretty damn powerful, but don’t be afraid of your own power and embrace it instead!
From this moment, I will no longer hear you when you tell me I’m not a good enough mom, wife, or friend. I will no longer agree with you when you insist that everyone else is better at life than I am. I won’t let you hold me back from achieving the greatness that is my birthright by convincing me that I am not capable of it. Guess what? I am capable of greatness, I am worthy of love, I am a beautiful person. Guess what? So are you! I love you self, you are not alone. Don’t be afraid because I have it on good authority that every little thing is gonna be alright.

Love & Light,
The Awakened Momma