Category Archives: My Sonshine

Grateful for This Mombie Monday

Grateful for This Mombie Monday

Oh Monday, I don’t even have a regular job and you still manage to stand out against the other days of the week. 
Monday is like the eldest sibling who won’t be overshadowed by those pesky younger sibs. Monday’s gotta keep mom and dad (those unsuspecting fools) on their toes. Well you got me again Monday!

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18 Months/79weeks/550 Days

18 Months/79weeks/550 Days

18 months. 79 weeks. 550 days.
That’s how long it’s been since that moment.
That moment that you’ll never remember and I’ll never forget.
That moment when I felt every possible human emotion in the amount of time it took you to exhale your first breath.
That moment when a piece of myself first lived and breathed outside of me.
That miraculous moment.
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